



交通大學 傳播研究所傳播政治經濟學課程綱要2005年春
上課時間:每週五 授課教師:管中祥

9/16 什麼是批判?為何要批判?批判些什麼?批判的態度?--以一部影片作為討論的起點

9/23 什麼是傳播政治經濟學

Mosco, Vincent (1996) The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal, Ch2. (馮建三、程宗明中譯[1998],《傳播政治經濟學》,台北;五南,第二章)

馮建三(2003) 〈傳播政治經濟學在台灣的發展〉,《新聞學研究》,第七十五

9/30 播政治經濟學的傳播與文化觀

Calabrese, A.(2004) Toward a Political of Culture .in Calabrese, A.& Sparks Collins(2004) Toward a Political of Culture:Capitalism and Communication in the Twenty-First Century.Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.


Garnham, Nicholas and Williams, Raymond (1980),鄭明椿編譯(1992),〈波笛爾的文化社會學〉,《當代》,第七十七期,頁32-41。

10/7 國家與媒體操控

Althusser, Louis.(1971), “Ideology and Ideology State Apparatuses”, Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. London: New Left Book.(可參閱《造反的哲人》第三章)。

Schiller, Herbert(1973). The Mind Managers, Boston: Beacon (中譯本王怡紅翻譯,台北遠流出版).第二、三章


10/14 傳播產業分析

Murdock, Graham (1982) Large corporations and the control of the communications industries, in M. Gurevitch et al. (eds.) Culture, Society and the Media, London: Methuen. (程宗明中譯[1992],收於陳光興等,《媒介、文化與社會》,遠流)


10/21 商品化議題

Mosco, Vincent (1996) The Political Economy of Communication: Rethinking and Renewal, Ch2. (馮建三、程宗明中譯[1998],《傳播政治經濟學》,台北;五南,第四章)

Garnham, Nicholas (2000)The media as cultural industries, in Emancipation, the Media and Modernity: Arguments About the Media and Social Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Miege. B.(2004).Capitalism and Communication: A New Era of Society or the Accentuation of Long-Term Tendencies. in Calabrese, A.& Sparks Collins(2004) Toward a Political of Culture:Capitalism and Communication in the Twenty-First Century.Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

10/28 廣告分析

McChesney, Robert W. (2004) The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the Twenty-First Century. NY: Monthly Review Press. CH5

Jhally, Sut (1987) The Codes of Advertising. 馮建三譯(1992),《廣告的符碼》,台北︰遠流。「譯者導論」以及第3、4章。


11/4 媒體勞動者分析

Burawoy, M.(1979). Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process under Monopoly. 林宗宏等中譯(2005),《製造甘願壟斷資本主義勞動過程的歷史變遷》,台北群學:第一、二、五章。



11/11  影片討論

11/18 小報與脫口秀

Murdock, Graham (2000) Talk shows: democratic debates and tabloid tales, in Jan?Wieten et al. (eds.) Television Across Europe: A Comparative Introduction. London: Sage, pp. 198 -220.

Sparks, Colin (2000) Introduction: the panic over tabloid news, in C. Sparks and J. Tulloch (eds.) Tabloid Tales: Global Debates over Media Standards, Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 1-40.

11/25 期末報告提案討論

12/2 新科技

Schiller, Dan.(1999).Digital capitalism :networking the global market system. Cambridge :MIT Press ch1.

Murdock, G.& Golding, P.(2004)Dismantling the Digital Divide :Rethinking the Dynamics of Participation and Exclusion. .in Calabrese, A.& Sparks Collins(2004) Toward a Political of Culture:Capitalism and Communication in the Twenty-First Century.Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Mansell, R.& Javary M.(2004) New Media and the Force of Capitalism. in Calabrese, A.& Sparks Collins(2004) Toward a Political of Culture:Capitalism and Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

12/9 閱聽人的政治經濟分析

Murdock, Graham (1989) Critical inquiry and audience activity, in B. Dervin et al. (eds.) Rethinking Communication, Vol.2, London: Sage.

McChesney, Robert W. (2004) The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the Twenty-First Century. NY: Monthly Review Press. CH5

Meehan, Eileen (2000) Fan ethnography and political economy, in Ingunn Hagen and Janet Wasko (eds.) Consuming Audiences? Production and Reception in Media Research. Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press.

12/16 地方媒體

Lundy L.(1992).Community television as a tool of local culture In Jankowski, N. and Stappers, J.The Peoples Voice: Local Radio and Television in Europe. Lodon:John Libbey and Company Ltd. Pp27-41

Jankowski N. E.(2002). The Conceptual Contours of Community Media in Community Media in the Information Age Perspectives and Prospects. Hamption Press.pp3-18.


12/23  第十四週全球化議題

McChesney W. (1999), Rich Media, Poor Democracy-Communication Politics in Dubious Times, University of Illinois Press. CH2.

Golding, P.(1998). Global Village of Culture Pillage? The Unequal Inheritance of the Communications Revolution. in Capitalism and the Information Age: The Political Economy of the Global Communication Revolution. McChesney, (Eds). NY : Monthly Review Press.

12/30 媒體、民主、多元(一)媒體政策與公共媒體

Ricbri, G.(2004) Boradcasting and the Market: The case of Public Calabrese, A.& Sparks Collins(2004) Toward a Political of Culture:Capitalism and Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Curran, James (2000) Rethinking media and democracy. In James Curran and Michael Gurevitch (eds.) Mass Media and Society, Third Edition. London: Arnold.(有1991年的中譯版,但內容不太相同,別報告這版)

McChesney, Robert W. (2004) The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the Twenty-First Century. NY: Monthly Review Press. CH6

1/6 媒體、民主、多元(二)媒體運動

McChesney, Robert W. (2004) The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the Twenty-First Century. NY: Monthly Review Press. CH7?

Hackket R.(2000).Taking back the media : Notes on the political form communicative democracy movement. Studies in political economy.(63):61-86.?

管中祥、張時健,2004,〈戰後媒體反對運動〉,《台灣史料研究》16 ,頁22-54?

1/13 期末作業繳交與討論



林麗雲 電話:3322;email:
office hours:週三12:00-3:00


政治經濟學是社會科學的重要分析途徑;它主要探討社會關係中資源的累積、分配與消費, 如國際資本、國家財富、教育經費、自然物資、家庭經濟等。晚近,這個有力的研究工具也用來回應當代重要的傳播問題,如傳播文化的商品化、全球化與社會權力結構等。在理論與實證研究的拓深下,傳播政治經濟學已發展成一重要研究領域。




Mosco, V. (1995).The Political Economy of Communication: rethinking and renewal


2/22    課程介紹
3/1   一、政治經濟學從亞當斯密的美麗的世界到馬克斯嚴酷的體系
3/8   二、傳播批判政治經濟學的基本假定:從決定論談起
3/15    三、商品化:文化商品化
3/22    四、勞動商品化--勞動權的問題
3/29    五、公共領域的勢微與轉型
4/6   春節放假
4/12    六、空間化:媒介集團擴張、整合的型態與趨勢
4/19    期中考週
4/26   七、國家在傳播政策上調節的型態
5/3   八、全球化、區域化及在地化的趨勢
5/10    九、結構化:傳播與階級
5/17    十、傳播與媒體改造運動
5/24    演講一(暫訂)
5/31    演講二(暫訂)
6/7       討論期末報告
6/14    結論,請交期末報告


(Q:政治經濟學的主要關懷為何?亞當斯密與馬克斯的世界觀有何異同? )

*R.L. 海爾布魯諾著,蔡伸章譯(1991)。〈亞當斯密的美妙新世界〉,《改變歷史的經濟學家》。台北:志文出版社,頁94-130。

*R.L. 海爾布魯諾著,蔡伸章譯(1991)。〈馬克斯的嚴酷體系〉,《改變歷史的經濟學家》。台北:志文出版社,頁263-304。

Mosco, V. (1995).:37-103。


*Golding, P. and Murdock,G.(1978). Ideology and the Mass Media:the Question of Determination .

In Michele Barrett et al. (eds.) Ideology and Cultural Production.?London:Croom Helm. 中譯收於馮建三(1992):《資訊、錢、權》,第12章。

Golding, P. and G. Murdock (1991) Culture, Communications and Political Economy.

In Curran, James and Michael Gurevitch (eds.). Mass Media and Society. London: Edward Arnold, 15-32。中譯本《大眾傳播與社會》。台北:五南。

Swingewood, A.(1977[1993]),馮建三譯,〈馬克思主義與文化〉,《大眾文化的迷思》。台北:遠流出版社,頁57-84。



*Jhally, S. (1987). The Codes of Advertising. 中譯收於馮建三譯(1992)。《廣告的符碼》。台北:遠流。第二章。



Golding, P. and Murdock,G.(1978). Ideology and the Mass Media:the Question of Determination . In Michele Barrett et al. (eds.) Ideology and Cultural Production. London:Croom Helm. 中譯收於馮建三(1992)。《資訊、錢、權》,12章。



陳雪慧(1993)。《台灣報社的生產政治:一個腦力勞動控制的研究》,台北:台大社會所碩士論文。Ch1, Ch2



*Webster, F. (1995[1999]).〈資訊管理與操控:哈伯瑪斯與公共領域的式微〉,在 Theories of the Information Society. 中譯本由馮建三譯。《資訊社會理論》。台北:遠流圖書公司,頁175-232。

Curran, J.(1991)Mass Media and Democracy : A Reappraisal in Mass Media and Society.p.82-117.唐維敏譯,〈大眾媒體與民主〉,《大眾媒介與社會》。台北:五南。



*Miller, T., Govil, N., Mcmurria, J., & Maxwell, R. (2001). Gobal Hollywood. Edwards & Fuglewicz and Bardon-Chinese Media Agency. 中譯收於馮建三譯(2003)。《全球好萊塢》。台北:巨流。第三、四章。

Castells, M. (1998). 〈網絡企業:企業、制度以及資訊化經濟之組織〉,《網路社會之崛起》。台北:唐山出版社。第三章。


Mosco, V. (1995).:257-295。


*Webster, F. (1995[1999]).〈資訊與都市變遷:柯司特〉,在 Theories of the Information Society. 中譯本由馮建三譯。《資訊社會理論》。台北:遠流圖書公司,頁333-371。

Sreberny-Mohammadi, A. (1991) The Global and the Local in International Communications, " in Curran and Gurevitch (eds) Mass Media and Society.唐維敏譯。〈國際傳播中的全球化與本土〉,《大眾媒介與社會》,台北:五南。

Becker, U. (2000). Was Ist Globalisieberung?〈第四章,世界地平線的開展〉,《全球化的危機》。台北:商務圖書公司,頁34-89。

Sparks, C.(1998)。〈全球的傳播,全球的權力〉,《當代》,1998,12,1999,1月




Mosco, V. (1995).:295-304。


*Webster, F. (1999[1995]).〈資訊與再結構:超越後福特主義〉,在Theories of the Information Society. 中譯本由馮建三譯:《資訊社會理論》。台北:遠流圖書公司,頁233-277。

*Bauman, Z. (1998). Work, Consumerism and the New Poor. Opem University Press. 中譯收於王志弘(2002)。《工作、消費與新貧》。台北:巨流。第四章工作倫理與新貧階級。

Mosco, V. (1995).:315-340。

Lyon, D.(1992). Information Society. 中譯本由馮建三等譯:〈資訊化社會:問題與幻影〉,《未來的省思》,台北:駱駝出版社,頁13-33。






傳 播 政 治 經 濟 學 (Spring 2005)
TIME: 週四02:10pm-04:00pm
OFFICE HOURS:週三1-2pm、週三5-6pm、週四1-2pm,或另預約時間。
CONTACT:(voice) (02) 2358-3404 轉 15

課 程 目 標:


課 程 內 容:


課 程 主 要 教 材:

(1) Bagdikian, B. H. (1997). The Media Monopoly (5th Ed.). Boston (MA): Beacon Press Books.

(2) McChesney, R. W. (1997). Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy. New York (NY): Seven Stories Press.

(3) Mosco, V. (1996). The Political Economy of Communication. London (GB): SAGE Publications Ltd.
(4) Bettig, R. V. (1996). Copyrighting Culture: The Political Economy of Intellectual Property. Boulder (CO): Westview Press.

(5) Bailie, M. & Winseck, D. (eds.) (1997). Democratizing Communication? Comparative Perspectives on Information and Power. Cresskill (NJ): Hampton Press, Inc.

(6) Angus, I. & Jhally, S. (eds.) (1989). The Political Economy of Culture. New York (NY): Routledge.

(7) Wasko, J.; Mosco, V.; & Pendakur, M. (eds.) (1993). Illuminating the Blindspots: Essays Honoring Dallas W. Smythe. Norwood (NJ): Ablex Publishing Corporation.

(8) Miliband, R. and Sacille, J. (eds.) (1973). The Socialist Register. London: The Merlin Press.

(9) Garnham, N. (1990). Capitalism and Communication: Global Culture and the Economics of Information. London (GB): SAGE Publications Ltd.

(10) Hunt, E. K. (1992). History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective (2nd Ed.). New York: Harper Collins Publishers.

(11) Peterson, R. A., Albaum, G. and Kozmetsky, G. (1990). Modern American Capitalism: Understanding Public Attitudes and Perceptions. Westport (CT): Quorum Books.

(12) Gianaris, N. V. (1996). Privatization, Employee Ownership, and Industrial Democracy. Westport (CT): Praeger Publishers.

(13) Saunder, P. (1995). Capitalism: A Social Audit. Buckingham (GB): Open University Press.

(14) Bottomore, T. (1985). Theories of Modern Capitalism. London: George Allen & Unwin.

(15) McNall, S. (ed.) (1981). Political Economy: A Critique of American Society. Glenview (IL): Scott, Foresman and Company.

(16) Bowles, S. and Edwards, R. (1985). Understanding Capitalism. New York (NY): Harper & Row.

(17) Goody, J. (1986). The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society. Cambridge (GB): Cambridge University Press.

(18) Altschull, H. (1984). Agents of Power. New York (NY): Longman.

(19) Curran, J. and Seaton, J. (1988). Power Without Responsibility (3rd Ed.). New York (NY): Routledge.

(20) Eisenstein, E. L. (1983). The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge (GB): Cambridge University Press.

(21) Albarran, A. B. (1996). Media Economics: Understanding Markets, Industries and Concepts. Ames (IA): Iowa State University Press.

(22) Alexander, A., Owers, J., and Carveth, R. (eds.) (1993). Media Economics: Theory and Practice. Hillside (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

(23) Zeitlin, M. (1989). The Large Corporation and Contemporary Classes. Cambridge (GB): Polity Press.

(24) Herman, E. S. and McChesney, R. W. (1997). The Global Media: The New Missionaries of Global Capitalism. London: Cassell.

(25) Fusfeld, D. (1988). Economics: Principles of Political Economy (3rd Ed.). Glenview (IL): Scott, Foresman & Company.

(26) Gerbner, G., Mowland, H., and Schiller, H. I. (eds.) (1996). Invisible Crises: What Conglomerates Control of Media Means for America and the World. Boulder (CO): Westview Press.

(27) Collins, R. and Murroni, C. (1996). New Media, New Policies. Cambridge (MA): Blackwell Publishers Inc.

(28) Parenti, M. (1993). Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media (2nd Ed.). New York: St. Martins Press, Inc.

(29) Curran, J., Ecclestone, J., Oakley, G., and Richardson, A. (eds.) (1986). Bending Reality: The State of the Media. London (GB): Pluto Press Ltd.

(30) Chaffee, S. H. (ed.) (1975). Political Communication: Issues and Strategies for Research. Beverly Hills (CA): SAGE Publications.

(31) Herbert, A. J. (1995). Agents of Power: The Media and Public Policy (2nd Ed.). New York: Longman Publishers USA.

(32) Edwards et al. (eds.) (1978). The Capitalist System (2nd Ed.). Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall.

(33) Hunt, E. K. and Sherman, H. (1986). Economics: An Introduction to Traditional and Radical Views (5th Ed.). New York (NY): Harper & Row.

(34) Edsall, T. B. (1984). The New Politics of Inequality. New York (NY): W. W. Norton.

(35) Gershon, R. A. (1997). The Transnational Media Corporation: Global Messages and Free Market Competition. Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

(36) Dyson, K. & Humphreys, P. (Eds.) (1990). The Political Economy of Communications: International and European Dimensions. New York: Routledge.

(37) Kofman, E. and Youngs, G. (eds.) (1996). Globalization: Theory and Practice. New York: Pinter.

(38) Robertson, R. (1992). Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture. Newbury Park (CA): SAGE Publications.

(39) Atwood, R. and McAnany, E. (eds.) (1986). Communication and Latin American Society. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin.

(40) Gomery, D. (1986). The Hollywood Studio System. New York (NY): St. Martin's Press.

(41) Jowett, G. and Linton, J. (1989). Movies as Mass Communication (2nd Ed.). Newbury Park (CA): SAGE Publications Ltd.

(42) Pearson, R. E. and Uricchio, W. (eds.) (1991). The Many Lives of Batman: Critical Approaches to a Superhero and His Media. New York (NY): Routledge.

(43) Austin, B. A. (ed.) (1985). Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics, and Law Volume 1. Norwood (NJ): Ablex Publishing Corp.

(44) Austin, B. A. (ed.) (1985). Current Research in Film 3. Norwood (NJ): Ablex Publishing Corp.

(45) Dervine, B.; Grossberg, L.; Okeefe, B. J.; and Wartella, E. (eds.) (1989). Rethinking Communication Volume 2: Paradigm Exemplars. Newbury Park (CA): SAGE Publications.

(46) Sreberny-Mohammadi, A.; Winseck, D.; and McKenna, J. (eds.) (1997). Media in Global Context: Reader. New York: St. Martins Press.

(47) 馮建三、程宗明譯(1998)。傳播政治經濟學-再思考與再更新。台北:五南出版公司。

(48) 馮建三 (1992)。導論/「出入政經,出乎文化」是一個理想。資訊. 錢. 權:媒體文化的政經研究。台北:時報文化。

(49) 馮建三 (1995)。廣電資本運動的政治經濟學:析論1990年代台灣廣電媒體的若干變遷。台北:唐山出版社。

(50) 徐瑞希(1992)。政商關係解讀-台灣企業實用政治學入門。台北:遠流出版公司。

課 程 進 度:
(附"*"各篇為required readings,其餘為selective readings)

Week 1 (02-24) 課程介紹

Week 2 (03-03) 傳播政治經濟學概論 (1)
研討綱要: 發展起源、理論要義。

(1) * Norris, V. (1990). The Political Economy of Communications: An Exploration of Fundamental Concepts. In Circulation: Working Papers. School of Communications. University Park (PA): Pennsylvania State University.

(2) * Mosco, Chapter 3.

(3) Mosco, V. & Reddick, A. (1997). Political Economy, Communication, and Policy. In Bailie & Winseck (eds.).

(4) 馮建三、程宗明譯 (1998)。第一章導論、第三章傳播的政治經濟學。

Week 3 (03-10) 傳播政治經濟學概論 (2)
研討綱要: 取向研究、發展與挑戰。

(1) * Jhally, S. (1989). The Political Economy of Culture. In Angus, I. & Jhally, S. (eds.).

(2) *McChesney, R. W. (2000). The Political Economy of Communication and the Future of the Field. Media, Culture & Society, 22(1): 109-116.

(3) Babe, R. (1993). Communication: Blindspot of Western Economics. In Wasko, Mosco & Pendakur (eds.).

(4) Gandy, O. H. (Summer 1992). The Political Economy Approach: A Critical Challenge. Journal of Media Economics 5(2), pp.23-42.

(5) Murdock, G. and Golding, P. (1973). For a Political Economy of Mass Communications. In Miliband and Sacille (eds.).

(6) Garnham (1990), Chapter 2: Contribution to a Political Economy of Mass Communication.

Week 4 (03-17) 資本主義

(1) * Hunt (1992), Chapter 1: Introduction.

(2) * Peterson, Albaum and Kozmetsky (1990). Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Defining Capitalism.

(3) Gianaris (1996), Chapter 2: Development of Capitalism.

(4) Saunder, (1995), Chapter 1: The Growth Machine.

(5) Bork, R. H. (April 1978). Will Capitalism Survive? Yale Alumni Magazine and Journal 61, pp.15-17.

(6) Bottomore (1985), Chapter 5: Imperialism and the Stage of Capitalist Development.

(7) McNall, S. (1981). An Outline for a Critique of Political Economy (pp.1-14). In McNall (ed.).

(8) Bowles and Edwards (1985), Chapter 1: Capitalism Shakes the World.

Week 5 (03-24) 大眾傳播媒介
研討綱要: 起源、發展、現況。

(1) * Altschull (1984), Chapter 1: The Origins of the Press, pp.3-15.

(2) * Curran and Seaton (1988). Chapter 2: The Struggle for a Free Press, pp.10-22; Chapter 4: The Industrialization of the Press, pp.30-45.

(3) Eisenstein, (1983). Chapter 4: The Expanding Republic of Letters, pp.91-106.

(4) Goody (1986), Chapter 2: The Word of Mammon.

(5) Bagdikian (1997), Chapter 7、10、11.

Week 6 (03-31) 大眾傳播體系商品化

(1) * Meehan, E. (1993). Commodity Audience, Actual Audience: The Blindspot Debate, pp.378-397. In Wasko, Mosco and Pendakur (eds.).

(2) * 馮建三(1992)。傳播:西方馬克思主義的盲點,島嶼邊緣,1(4): 6-33。

(3) Murdock, G. (1978). Blindspots about western Marxism: A reply to Dallas Smythe. Canadian Journal of Political and Social theory, 2(2), 109-119.

(4) Jhally, S. (1982). Probing the blindspots: the audience commodity. Canadian Journal of Political and Social theory, 6(1-2), 205-210.

(5) Smythe, D. (1977). Communication: Blindsopt of western Marxism. Canadian Journal of Political and Social theory, 1(3), 1-27.

Week 7 (04-07) 媒體所有權集中化趨勢

(1) * Bagdikian (2000). Preface (6th Ed.);Chapter 1: The Endless Chain, pp.3-26.

(2) Murdock, G. (1994). The New Mogul Empires: Media Concentration and Control in the Age of Convergence. Media Development 4: 3-6.

(3) Cohen, J. & Solomon, N. (1995). Media Mergers: Good for business, bad for democracy. Through the Media looking glass: Decoding bias blather in the news. (pp. 2-5). Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press.

(4) Parenti (1993), Chapter 2: Freedom of the Press Belongs to the Man Who Owns One.

(5) Fusfeld (1988), Chapter 21: Big Business in the American Economy.

(6) Bagdikian, B. H. (1996). Brave New World Minus 400. In Gerbner, Mowland and Schiller (eds.).

(7) Bettig (1996), Chapter 3.

(8) Collins and Murroni (1996), Chapter 3: Concentration of Ownership.

(9) Columbia Journalism Review (March/April 1997). The Real Dangers of Conglomerate Control, pp.46-51.

Week 8 (04-14) 國家與政府角色
研討綱要: 政府角色、媒體與政府關係分析。

(1) * Sparks, C. (1986). The Media and the State. In Curran, Ecclestone, Oakley, and Richardson (eds.).

(2) * Jakubowicz, K. (Autumn 1995). Media Within and Without the State: Press Freedom in Eastern Europe. Journal of Communication 45(4), pp.125-139.

(3) Rivers, W. I., Miller, S. and Gandy, O. (1975). Government and the Media. In Chaffee (ed.).

(4) Braman, S. (Autumn 1995). Horizons of the State: Information Policy and Power. Journal of Communication 45(4), pp.4-24.

(5) Parenti (1993), Chapter 4: Objectivity and Government Manipulation.

(6) Szymanski, A. (1981). The Role of the State in Society. In McNall (ed.).

(7) Herbert (1995), Chapter 8: Power, Politics, and the Media in the United States.

Week 9 (04-21) 政商關係互動影響的資本主義政治制度
研討綱要: 發展、現況、實例,與影響評估。

(1) * Domhoff, W. (1978). Chapter 6.4: State and Ruling Class in Corporate America. In Edwards et al. (eds.).

(2) * Hunt and Sherman (1986), Government and Inequality (pp.340-348).

(3) Edsall (1984), Chapter 3: The Politicization of the Business Community.

(4) 徐瑞希 (1992)。政商關係解讀--台灣企業實用政治學入門。台北(台灣):遠流出版公司。

Week 10 (04-28) 媒體全球化趨勢

(1) * Herman and McChesney (1997), Chapter 1.

(2) * Gershon (1997), Chapter 7: The Transnational Media Corporation: Cultural Trespass and Challenges to National Sovereignty.

(3) Dyson, K. & Humphreys, P. (1990). Introduction: Politics, Markets and Communication Policies. In Dyson, K. & Humphreys, P. (Eds.), pp.1-32.

(4) 彭芸 (1998)。Chapter 1: 文化層面看全球化的理論論述; Chapter 4: 跨國媒體的經營策略。

(5) Kofman, E. and Youngs, G. (1996). Introduction: Globalization--The Second Wave. In Kofman and Youngs (eds.).

(6) Robertson (1992), Chapter 1: Globalization as a Problem.

(7) Macewan, A. (September 1994). Markets Unbound: The Heavy Price of Globalization. Dollars & Sense, pp.8-9, 35-37.

Week 11 (05-05) 媒介政治經濟學分析:批判與挑戰

(1) * Mosco (1996), Chapter 7.

(2) * 馮建三(2004)。傳播政治經濟學在台灣的發展。新聞學研究

(3) Gandy, O. et al. (1995). Colloquy on Political Economy and Cultural Studies. Critical Studies in Mass Communication.

(4) Mueller, M. (1995). Why Communications Policy is Pass "Mass Communication": Political Economy as the Missing Link. Critical Studies in Mass Communication.

(5) Murdock, G. (1989). Chapter 14: Critical Inquiry and Audience Activity. In Dervin et al. (eds.).

(6) 馮建三 (1992)。導論/「出入政經,出乎文化」是一個理想。

(6) 馮建三、程宗明譯 (1998)。第七章挑戰邊疆。

Week 12 (05-12) 現代媒體產業特性解析

(1) * Bagdikian (1997), Chapter 4-5.

(2) * Bagdikian (1997), Chapter 2-3.

(3) Herman, E. (May/June 1996). Media Mega-Mergers. Dollars & Sense, pp.8-13.

(4) Ledbetter, J. (January 16, 1996). Merge Overkill. Village Voice, pp.30-35.

(5) Herman, E. (1991). Market System Constraints on Freedom of Expression. Journal of Communication Inquiry 15, pp.45-53.

(6) Parenti (1993), Chapter 5: The Big Sell.

Week 13 (05-19) 廣告產業政治經濟學分析

(1) * Bagdikian (1997), Chapter 6、8、9.

(2) * Norris, V. (Fall 1980). Advertising History--According to the Textbook. Journal of Advertising 9(3), pp.3-11.

(3) Fejes, F. (1980). The Growth of Multinational Advertising Agencies in Latin America. Journal of Communication 30(3), pp.36-49.

(4) Janus, N. (1986). Transnational Advertising: Some Considerations on the Impact on Peripheral Societies, pp.127-142. In Atwood and McAnany (eds.).

(5) Kim, K. K. (1995). Spreading the Net: The Consolidation Process of Large Transnational Advertising Agencies in the 1980s and Early 1990s. International Journal of Advertising 14, pp.195-217.

(6) 胡光夏(2000)。廣告的政治經濟學分析法初探,新聞學研究,64:139-159。

Week 14 (05-26) 電影產業政治經濟學分析

(1) * Wasko, J. (1989). Whats So New About the New Technologies in Hollywood? An Example of the Study of Political Economy of Communications. In Dervine et al. (eds.).

(2) * Guback, T. (1985). Chapter 6: Government Financial Support to the Film Industry in the United States. In Austin (ed.), Vol.3.

(3) Wasko, J. (1997). Hollywood Meets Madison Avenue: The Commercialization of U.S. Films. In Sreberny-Mohammadi, Winseck, and McKenna (eds.).

(4) Gomery (1986), Chapter 1: The Hollywood Studio System: 1930-1949 (pp.1-25).

(5) Jowett and Linton (1989), Chapter 2: What You See Is What You Get: The Economics of the Movies (pp.26-47).

(6) Meehan, E. R. (1991). "Holy Commodity Fetish, Batman!": The Political Economy of a Commercial Intertext. In Pearson and Uricchio (eds.).

(7) Guback, T. (1985). Non-Market Factors in the International Distribution of American Films. In Austin (ed.), Vol.1.

Week 15 (06-02) 有線電視產業政治經濟學分析

(1) * Chan-Olmsted, S. M. (1996). Market Competition for Cable Television: Reexamining Its Horizontal Mergers and Industry Concentration. The Journal for Media Economics 9(2), pp.25-41.

(2) * Chan-Olmsted, S. M. and Litman, B. R. (Fall 1988). Antitrust and Horizontal Mergers in the Cable Industry. Journal of Media Economics 1(3), pp.3-28.

(3) Chan-Olmsted, S. M. (1997). Mergers, Acquisitions, and Convergence: The Strategic Alliances of Broadcasting, Cable Television, and Telephone Services. The Journal of Media Economics 11(3), pp.33-46.

(4) 馮建三 (1995)。 Chapter 2: 「開放」電視頻道的政治經濟學。廣電資本運動的政治經濟學:析論1990年代台灣廣電媒體的若干變遷。台北:唐山出版社。

Week 16 (06-09) 民主傳播制度研議

(1) * McChesney, R. W. (1997). Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy. New York (NY): Seven Stories Press.

(2) Bagdikian (1997), Chapter 10、12-13.

(3) Siochru, S. O. (1996). Strategies and Opportunities for Democratic Media. Media Development 43(3), pp.3-7.

(4) Adams, D. and Goldbard, A. (Aug./Sep. 1989). Public Policy and the Media Literacy. The Independent.

(5) Herman, E. (1992). Democratic Media. Z Papers 1:1, pp.23-30.

Week 17 (06-16) 綜合報告

Week 18 (06-23) 課程總結

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