


社會科學院 台灣大學國家發展研究所



Seminar on Law and Technology: Information Law
Fall Semester, 2005





一、 Niva Elkin-Koren & Neil Weinstock Netanel eds., The Commodification of Information, Kluwer Law International, 2002
二、 Lawrence Lessig Code and Other Laws in Cyberspace , Basic Books, 1999
三、 Lawrence Lessig, The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World, Random House, 2001
四、 Lawrence Lessig, Free Culture, The Penguin Press, 2004
五、 Margaret Jane Radin, John A. Rothchild & Gregory M. Silverman, Internet Commerce:The Emerging Legal Framework, University Casebook Series, Foundation Press, 2002
六、 Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas & Martha Merrill Lumphrey eds., The Place of Law (University of Michigan Press, The Amherst Series in Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought, 2003)
七、 Carl Shapiro & Hal R. Varian, Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy, Harvard Business School Press, 1999
八、 Daniel J. Solove & Marc Rotenberg, Information Privacy Law, Aspen Publishers, 2003


Week 1
Course Description, Introductory Review & Housekeeping: Charting a Roadmap for Optimal Regulations
Radin, Rothchild & Silverman, Chapter 1, pp. 1-23

Week 2
Lawrence Lessig, Code: Part I & Part II

Week 3
Radin, Rothchild & Silverman, Chapter 9, Controlling Digital Goods, pp 629-762

Week 4
Radin, Rothchild & Silverman, Chapter 10, Controlling Information Assets:Database, pp 763-798
Radin, Rothchild & Silverman, Chapter 11, Technological Protection of Digital Goods, pp 799-876

Week 5
Pekka Himanen, The Hacker Ethic, and the Spirit of the Information Age(中譯本,劉瓊云譯,駭客倫理與資訊時代精神,大塊文化出版,2002)
Lawrence Lessig, The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World, Random House, 2001

Week 6
Robert W. Hahn ed., Government Policy toward Open Source Software, AEI-Brookings Center for Regulatory Studies, 2002

Week 7
Cass Sunstein, Constitutional Caution, 1996 University of Chicago Legal Forum 361
Cass R. Sunstein,, Princeton University Press, 2001(黃維明譯,「網路會顛覆民主嗎?」(,新新聞出版社,2001)

Week 8
Radin, Rothchild & Silverman, Chapter Thirteen, Harmful Activities Online: Liability for Electronic Intrusions, pp 937-1018

Week 9
Fredrick Schauer, Internet Privacy and the Public-Private Distinction, 38 Jurismetrics J. 555 (1999)
Solove & Rotenberg, Chapter 1

Week 10
資訊隱私權的保護(二): 主要爭議和解決途徑
Radin, Rothchild & Silverman, Chapter 8, Privacy Online, pp 548-623

Week 11
資訊隱私權的保護(三): 匿名的權利;資料的蒐集、保存和揭露
Solove & Rotenberg, Chapter 5 & Chapter 6

Week 12
資訊隱私權保護(四): 智慧財產權、隱私權和資訊自由的交錯領域
Jessica Litman, Electronic Commerce and Free Speech, in Elkin-Koren & Netanel eds., pp. 23-43

Week 13
Harold Feld, Structured to Fail: ICANN and the “Privatization” Experiment, in Adam Thierer & Clyde Wayne Crew Jr. eds., Who Rules the Net?-Internet Governance and Jurisdiction, pp. 333-362

Week 14
Saskia Sassen, Digital Networks, State Authority, and Politics, in Sarat, Douglas & Lumphrey eds., The Place of Law, pp. 109-130
Lawrence Lessig, The Place of Cyberlaw, in Sarat, Douglas & Lumphrey eds., The Place of Law, pp. 131-146

Week 15
David Dranove & Neil Gandal, Network Effects, Standardization, and the Internet: What Have We Learned From the DVD v. DIVX Battle?, in Elkin-Koren & Netanel eds., pp.461-478
David McGowan, Vaporware, The Internet, and Consumer Behavior, in Elkin-Koren & Netanel eds., pp.479-492

Week 16
Susan S. Silbey & Patricia Ewick, The Architecture of Authority: The Place of Law in the Space of Science, in Sarat, Douglas & Lumphrey eds., The Place of Law, pp.75-108
Lawrence Lessig, Free Culture, The Penguin Press, 2004


一、 Stuart Biegel, Beyond Our Control?-Confronting the Limits of Our Legal System in the Age of Cyberspace, The MIT Press, 2001
二、 Julie E. Cohen, Lydia Pallas Loren, Ruth Gana Okediji & Maureen A. O’Rourke, Copyright in a Global Information Economy, Aspen Law & Business, 2002
三、 Lawrence Lessig, The Zones of Cyberspace, Stanford Law Review 1403 (1996)
四、 Milton Mueller, Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace, The MIT Press, 2002
五、 Monroe P. Price, Media and Sovereignty: The Global Information Revolution and Its Challenge to State Power, The MIT Press, 2002
六、 Fredrick Schauer, Internet Privacy and the Public-Private Distinction, 38 Jurismetrics J. 555 (1999)
七、 Adam Thierer & Clyde Wayne Crew Jr. eds., Who Rules the Net?-Internet Governance and Jurisdiction, CATO Institute, 2003


社會科學院 台灣大學國家發展研究所



Seminar on Law and Social Change
Fall Semester, 2005




Bruce Ackerman, The Future of Liberal Revolution, Yale University Press, 1992
  Gerald Rosenberg, The Hollow Hope: Can Courts Bring about Social Change? University of Chicago Press, 1991 
  Ruti G. Teitel, Transitional Justice, Oxford University Press, 2000


Week 1
課程簡介與進度安排︰Course Description, Introductory Review & Housekeeping

Week 2
*Martha Minow, Law and Social Change, 62 UMKC Law Review 171 (1993)
*Lawrence M. Friedman, Taking Law and Society Seriously, 74 Chicago-Kent Law Review 529 (1999)

Week 3
*Robert E. Scott , The Legal Construction of Norms: The Limits of Behavioral Theories of Law and Social Norms, 86 Virginia Law Review 1603 (2000)
*Amitai Etzioni, Social Norms: Internalization, Persuasion, and History, 34 Law and Society Review 157 (2000)

Week 4
社會規範形成和運作的實驗: 網際網路模型
*Daniel B. Levin, Building Social Norms on the Internet, 4 Yale Journal of Law & Technology 9 (2002)

Week 5
社會規範形成和運作的實驗: 網際網路合作模型
*Lior Jacob Strahilevitz, Charismatic Code, Social Norms, and the Emergence of Cooperation on the File-Swapping Network, 89 Virginia Law Review 505 (2003)

Week 6
*Thomas B. Stoddard, Bleeding Heart: Reflections on Using the Law to Make Social Change, 72 New York Law Review 967 (1997)
*Niva Elkin-Koren, Cyberlaw and Social Change: A Democratic Approach to Copyright Law in Cyberspace, 14 Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal 215 (1996)

Week 7
Gerald N. Rosenberg, The Hollow Hope: Can Court Bring About Social Change?, The University of Chicago Press, 1991

Week 8
*Peter H. Schuck, Book Review: Public Law Litigation and Social Reform, 102 Yale Law Journal 1763 (1993)
*David Schultz & Stephen E. Gottlieb, Legal Functionalism and Social Change: A Reassessment of Rosenberg’s The Hollow Hope: Can Court Bring About Social Change?, 12 Journal of Law and Policy 63 (1996)

Week 9
*Ruth Gavison, The Role of Courts in Rifted Democracy, 33 Israel Law Review 216 (1999)

Week 10
Bruce A. Ackerman, The Future of Liberal Revolution, Yale University Press, 1992
Week 11
Ruti G. Teitel, Transitional Justice, Oxford University Press, 2000, Chapter 1-Chapter 3

Week 12
Ruti G. Teitel, Transitional Justice, Oxford University Press, 2000, Chapter 4-Chapter 6

Week 13
Ruti G. Teitel, Transitional Justice, Oxford University Press, 2000, Chapter 7 & Epilogue

Week 14
*Aeyal M. Gross, The Constitution, Reconciliation, and Transitional Justice: Lessons from South Africa and Israel, 40 Stanford Journal of International Law 47 (2004)

Week 15
*Ruti G. Teitel, Human Rights in Transition: Transitional Justice Genealogy, 16 Harvard Human Rights Journal 69 (2003)
*Ruti G. Teitel, Theoretical and International Framework: Transitional Justice in a New Era, 26 Fordham International Law Journal 893 (2003)

Week 16


授課老師:周桂田 / 劉靜怡


Technology and Society
   - Technological Politics and Decision-making






上課參與(教材閱讀) 20%
上課指定報告準備 30%
期末報告 50%

日期 周次 上課主題及指定閱讀文章 (W 為指定閱讀)

一、 科學、科技與政治

第一週 課程簡介

第二週 科技政治
W Miller, Henry I. 1996 When Politics drives Science: Lysenko, Gore, and U.S. Biotechnology Policy, in: Paul Ellen Frankel (ed.), Scientific Innovation, Philosophy, and Public Policy, p.96-112.
W Stein, Josephine Anne (2002), “Introduction: Globalization, science, technology and policy”, in: Science and Public Policy, 29(6), p.402-408.
Mayda, Jaro (1999), “Policy R&D: toward a better bridge between knowledge and decision making” in: Science and Public Policy, 26(6), p.395-402.

第三週 解放科技政治
W Irwin, Alan 1995 Science and the Policy Process, in: Citizen Science – A study of people, expertise and sustainable development, London: Routledge, p. 62-80.
Beck 1992 Science beyond Truth and Enlightenment?, in Beck: Risk Society, London: Sage, p.155-182.
W Smith, Adrian (2003), “Transforming technological regimes for sustainable development: a role for alternative technology niches?”, in: Science and Public Policy, 30(2), p.127-135.
周桂田 2000a 生物科技產業與社會風險 – 遲滯型高科技風險社會,台灣社會研究季刊 2000年9月號。
周桂田 2000b 高科技風險:科學與社會之多元與共識問題,思與言,第38卷第3期,2000年9月。
周桂田 2002a 〈在地化風險之實踐與理論缺口 - 遲滯型高科技風險社會〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》,第四十五期,2002年3月,頁69-122。


第四週 國家角色
W Evans, Peter 1995 Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, p.3-20, 128-154.

第五週 台灣科技工業的形成經驗
W 王振寰 2000 全球化,在地化與學習型區域:理論反省與重建,《台灣社會研究季刊》,34:69-112。
W 王振寰/高士欽 2000〈全球化與在地化:新竹與台中的學習型區域比較〉,「全球化下的社會學想像:國家、經濟與社會」研討會,台灣社會學社。
張家銘/徐偉傑 2000〈台灣產業發展與全球化省思〉,「全球化下的社會學想像:國家、經濟與社會」研討會,台灣社會學社。


第六週 科學論述政治
W Gottweis, Herbert 1998 What is Poststructuralist Science and Technology Policy Analysis?, in Gottweis: Governing Molecules – The Discursive Politics of Genetic Engineering in Europe and the United States, in: London, The MIT Press, p. 11-38.

第七週 科學真理與科技決策
Hoppe, Robert (1999) “Policy analysis, science and politics: from ‘speaking truth to power’ to ‘making sense together’”, in: Science and Public Policy, 26(3), p.201-210.
Mabawonku, Azeez Olugbenga (2003), “Cultural framework for the development of science and technology in Africa”, in: Science and Public Policy, 30(2), p.117-125.


第八週 科技官僚政治
W Fischer, Frank 1990 Technocracy and Expertise: the basic political Question, in: Technocracy and the Politics of Expertise, Sage Publications, p. 13-39, 179-197.( WW)
葉俊榮(1990),〈環保署的機關文化—科學與政治夾縫中的法律〉,環保與經濟,1990 10月號第十五期,頁40-42。

第九週 科學專業與科技決策(一)
W Fischer, Frank 1990 Technological Politics in the Postindustrial Workplace: the Problem of Expertise, in: Technocracy and the Politics of Expertise, Sage Publications, p. 229-338.
de Bruijn, J A & ten Heuvelhof, E F (1999), “Scientific expertise in complex decision-making processes”, in: Science and Public Policy, 26(3), p.179-184.

第十週  科學專業與科技決策(二)
W Rutgers, M R & Mentzel, M A (1999), “Scientific expertise and public policy: resolving paradoxes?”, in: Science and Public Policy, 26(3), p.146-150.
W Wynne, Brian 1980 Technology, risk and participation: on the social treatment of uncertainty, in Conrad, J. (ed.) Society, Technology and Risk Assessment, New York: Academic Press, p. 173-208.

第十一週 科學專業與科技決策(三)
Edwards, Arthur (1999), “Scientific expertise and policy-making: the intermediary role of the public sphere”, in: Science and Public Policy, 26(3), p.163-170.
W Durrenberger, Gregor & Kastenholz, Hans & Behringer, Jeannette (1999), “Integrated assessment focus groups: bridging the gap between science and policy?”, in: Science and Public Policy, 26(5), p.341-349.


第十二週 科技政治與民主
Leydesdorff, Loet & Etzkowitz, Henry (2003), “Conference report: Can ‘the public’ be considered as a fourth helix in university-industry-government relations? Report on the Fourth Triple Helix Conference, 2002”, in: Science and Public Policy, 30(1), p.55-61.
W Sclove, Richard E. (1995), “Technological Politics as if Democracy Mattered”, in Democracy and Technology (The Guilford Press, New York), p.197-238
Roberts, Rhonda. 1999. “Policy formation and public participation in the management of technological change”, in: Martin, Brian (ed.) Technology and public participation (Science and Technology Studies, University of Wollongong, Australia) p.195-208.
Joss, Simon & Brownlea, Arthur (1999), “Considering the concept of procedural justice for public policy- and decision-making in science and technology”, in: Science and Public Policy, 26(5), p.321-330.

第十三週 公眾參與科技評估(一)
W Joss, Simon (1999), “Introduction: Public participation in science and technology policy- and decision-making - ephemeral phenomenon or lasting change?”, in: Science and Public Policy, 26(5), p. 290-293.
W Hennen, Leonhard (1999), “Participatory technology assessment: a response to technical modernity?” in: Science and Public Policy, 26(5), p.303-312.
W Carson, Lyn & Martin, Brian (2002), “Random selection of citizens for technological decision making”, in: Science and Public Policy, 29(2), p.105-113.

第十四週 公眾參與科技評估(二)
Durant, John (1999), “Participatory technology assessment and the democratic model of the public understanding of science” in: Science and Public Policy, 26(5), p.313-319.
W Horning, Georg (1999), “Citizens` panels as a form of deliberative technology assessment”, in: Science and Public Policy, 26(5), p.351-359.
W Andersen, Ida-Elisabeth & Jager, Birgit (1999), “Scenario workshops and consensus conferences: towards more democratic decision-making”, in: Science and Public Policy, 26(5), p.331-340.

第十五週 小組報告研討會:報告與評論 (重要評量成績指標)

第十六週 小組報告研討會:報告與評論 (重要評量成績指標)

Other reference:

Saetnan, Ann Rudinow (2002), “Scientific? democratic? effective? Towards an evaluation of Norway’s first medical consensus conference”, in: Science and Public Policy, 29(3), p.201-220.
Mohr, Alison (2002), “Of being seen to do the right thing: provisional findings from the first Australian consensus conference on Gene Technology in the Food Chain”, in: Science and Public Policy, 29(1), p.2-12.
Salo, Ahti & Kuusi, Osmo (2001), “Developments in parliamentary technology assessment in Finland”, in: Science and Public Policy, 28(6), p.453-464.
Rask, Mikko (2003), “The problem of citizens’ participation in Finnish biotechnology policy”, in: Science and Public Policy, 30(6), p.441-454.
van Eeten, Michel (2001), “The challenge ahead for deliberative democracy: in reply to Weale” in: Science and Public Policy, 28(6), p 423-426.

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